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Studying in Finland : An Exclusive Guide for International Students

Study in Finland

Finland, known for its outstanding education system, vibrant student culture, and stunning natural landscapes, is a top destination for international students seeking a high-quality education. This comprehensive guide covers all you need to know about studying in Finland, from choosing the right university to navigating daily life in this Nordic paradise.

Why Study in Finland?

Finland stands out as an exceptional destination for higher education due to several compelling reasons:

World-Class Education

Finland consistently ranks among the best in global education systems. Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences offer a wide array of programs taught in English, ensuring accessibility for international students. The Finnish educational approach emphasizes practical learning, critical thinking, and innovation, preparing students for real-world challenges and opportunities.

Affordable Education

Although some programs in Finland charge tuition fees for non-EU/EEA students, many universities provide scholarships and financial aid to help offset costs. Additionally, the overall cost of living in Finland is relatively lower than in many other European countries, making it an affordable option for receiving high-quality education without breaking the bank.

Safe and Inclusive Environment

Finland is renowned for its safety, ranking among the safest countries globally. The Finnish people are known for their hospitality and openness, making it easy for international students to feel at home. Moreover, English is widely spoken across the country, facilitating daily interactions and academic engagements for non-Finnish speakers.

 Stunning Natural Beauty

Finland’s natural beauty is unparalleled, with attractions ranging from the mesmerizing Northern Lights to picturesque lakes and vast forests. Students can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities throughout the year, contributing to a balanced and healthy lifestyle amidst their academic pursuits.

Selecting the Right University

Choosing the right university is a crucial step in ensuring a successful academic experience in Finland. Here’s a breakdown of the types of universities and factors to consider:

Research Universities

Research universities in Finland focus on academic research and offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. These institutions are ideal for students who are interested in pursuing careers in academia or research-intensive fields. Notable research universities include:

  • University of Helsinki
  • Aalto University
  • University of Turku

Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS)

UAS institutions emphasize practical skills and applied knowledge, offering bachelor’s and master’s degrees. These universities are well-suited for students aiming for careers in industry or practical professions. Prominent UAS include:

  • Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
  • Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
  • Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Choosing Your Program

When selecting a program, consider the following factors:

  • Course Content and Curriculum: Evaluate the specific courses and subjects offered within the program to ensure they align with your academic and career goals.
  • Language of Instruction: Ensure the program is offered in a language you are proficient in, typically English for international students.
  • Location and Campus Facilities: Consider the university’s location and the quality of its campus facilities, as these will impact your overall student experience.
  • Industry Partnerships and Internship Opportunities: Look for programs that offer strong connections with industries and opportunities for internships, which can enhance your practical skills and employability.

Navigating the Application Process

Applying to Finnish universities involves several key steps and requirements:

Entry Requirements

Each university has specific entry requirements. Generally, you will need:

  • A Recognized Secondary Education Certificate: Proof of your previous educational qualifications.
  • Proficiency in English: Demonstrated through standardized tests such as TOEFL, IELTS, or equivalent certifications.
  • Program-Specific Requirements: Some programs may have additional requirements, such as portfolios for design programs or specific prerequisite courses.

Application Deadlines

The universities in Finland have two major application periods:

January for Autumn Intake: The primary application period for most programs.

September for Spring Intake: Limited programs may offer spring admissions.


Scholarships and Financial Aid

Numerous Finnish universities provide scholarships based on academic merit. It is imperative to thoroughly investigate the specific scholarships available at each institution and submit applications early to enhance the likelihood of securing financial assistance. For expert advice and tailored guidance, consider consulting Vidhyarthi Mithram, renowned as the best study abroad consultants in Kochi.

Living in Finland

As an international student in Finland, you will encounter various aspects of daily living, ranging from securing accommodation to understanding the healthcare system:


Student housing options are available through university housing offices and independent student housing foundations. It is prudent to apply for accommodation immediately upon receiving your admission offer to ensure availability.

Cost of Living

Typically, students require approximately €700-€1,200 per month to cover living expenses, including rent, food, transportation, and leisure activities. While major cities like Helsinki tend to have higher living costs, smaller towns offer more affordable options.

Employment Opportunities

International students in Finland are allowed to work up to 25 hours per week during the academic term and full-time during holidays. This provision helps to mitigate living expenses and provides invaluable work experience, enhancing post-graduation employability.


Students are mandated to possess health insurance. The Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) delivers affordable healthcare services to students enrolled in universities, ensuring access to essential medical care throughout their studies.

Exploring Finland

Finland offers a wealth of cultural and outdoor experiences that complement academic life:

Cultural Experiences

Finland boasts a rich cultural landscape with numerous museums, galleries, and music festivals. Engaging in these cultural activities offers profound insights into Finnish heritage and traditions. Additionally, experiencing the traditional Finnish sauna and local cuisine is highly recommended.

Outdoor Adventures

Finland is an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Whether it involves skiing in the snowy terrains of Lapland, hiking through expansive national parks, or sailing in the vast archipelago, the opportunities for adventure and exploration are limitless.

Travel Opportunities

Finland’s strategic geographical location facilitates easy travel to other Nordic countries and across Europe. Students can benefit from various travel discounts, enabling them to explore the region during academic breaks and holidays.

Tips for Success

To maximize your educational experience in Finland, consider these practical suggestions:

Learn Basic Finnish

Although most Finns are proficient in English, acquiring basic Finnish language skills can significantly enhance your overall experience and facilitate better integration into the community.

Get Involved

Participate in student organizations, clubs, and events to forge friendships and build a network. Active engagement in campus life enriches the university experience and fosters personal growth.

Stay Organized

Maintaining organization by keeping track of important dates, deadlines, and administrative tasks ensures a smooth and stress-free study experience, allowing you to concentrate on your academic and personal objectives.


Pursuing higher education in Finland offers a unique amalgamation of superior education, affordable living, and a vibrant cultural environment. With meticulous planning and a proactive approach, international students can fully capitalize on their time in this beautiful and innovative country. Prepare diligently, remain inquisitive, and embrace the Finnish lifestyle for an enriching and unforgettable academic journey.

For comprehensive assistance and personalized guidance, Vidhyarthi Mithram, the top study abroad consultants in Kerala, are available to support you in navigating your educational endeavors in Finland. Explore your opportunities, plan meticulously, and anticipate an enriching and transformative experience.

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